Letters From WWI Soldiers

Home Methodology Letters Analysis Conclusion

Welcome to our Digital Humanities Project!

Thank you for visisting our website! This website is the home to the research project that we have done for our Digital Humanities class at the University of Pittsburgh. This website will display the research that we conducted regarding the mental and emotional health of WWI soldiers. As you explore the site, keep in mind the research question that we are seeking to answer:

Our research question: Which war-time factors contributed most to the mental wellbeing of soldiers during WWI?

Trench Panorama

About the Developers:

Matt McClenahan is a sophomore information science student. He took this class in order to obtain his joint Honors Degree and to diversify his knowledge and coursework.

Allison Checkeye is an MA in Applied Linguistics student whose areas of interest include sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics, and study of the Russian language.

Jacob Aluise is a Senior English Literature and English Writing major with a focus on Renaissance and Early Modern Literature. He took this course to gain a more diverse knowledge base and further his research skills.

Also, special thanks to Ben Adams, our project mentor and to our professor, Dr. Birnbaum. They have played a key role in this project by providing guidance and sharing their knowledge of digital humanities!


Letters included in the corpus for our project were gratefully borrowed from: